Film clàr stoc

Dèan brobhsadh le: Uile
  • Film ròn fuar airson seoclaid

    Film ròn fuar airson seoclaid

    Is sinne na solaraichean film stoc rolla fìor proifeasanta stèidhichte air còrr air 25 bliadhna de eòlas saothrachadh pacaidh film stoc rolla.Is e am feart as sònraichte den fhilm ròin fuar seo teòthachd ròin an fhilm seo cho ìosal ri 25 ceum.Sàbhalaidh e tòrr cosgais cumhachd don chompanaidh agad agus dìonaidh e sealladh an toraidh agad nach sgrios leis an teòthachd àrd, gu sònraichte nuair a tha an toradh agad seoclaid no rudeigin eile a tha furasta a leaghadh.

  • Fiolm còmhdach plastaig a ghabhas slaodadh airson treidhe sabhs

    Fiolm còmhdach plastaig a ghabhas slaodadh airson treidhe sabhs

    Is e am feart as sònraichte den fhilm Lidding seo gun urrainn dhuinn a dhèanamh nas fhasa a bhith a’ rùsgadh dheth bho mhullach a ’chupa às deidh an teas a sheulachadh, no gun urrainn dhuinn toirt air seuladh gu math teann às deidh an teas a sheulachadh.Tha e an urra ri feumalachdan luchd-ceannach. Is urrainn dhuinn pacadh bìdh film liding a thoirt seachad ann an raon farsaing de chumaidhean is meud agus a thoirt dhut air rolla no siotaichean.

  • Fiolm còmhdach ròin teas gnàthaichte airson cupa PP

    Fiolm còmhdach ròin teas gnàthaichte airson cupa PP

    The most special feature of this film is we can make it easier to peel off from the top of the cup after heat sealed , or can make it to seal very tightly after heat sealed. It depends on the needs of customers. We can supplied custom printed lidding film in a wide range of shapes and size and supplied to you on roll or sheets. If you would like to submit your own artwork, customized your printed lidding film, get quotation online quickly and easily, please leave your message by email, we will reply you as soon as possible. Our Email